Woooow! Can I just say how blown away I am reading this gem of story? Thanks a million for entrusting our publication with your marvellous masterpiece! 💙✨🙏 For some reason, a sentence from your artwork reminded me of a personal story:
"I was invited to India to give a talk. It was a 3-day-event. Each day, there were five speeches every 30 minutes.
I was late for the first ceremony. I had such an exhausting 22-hour-trip. I didn’t sleep the whole night and needed to take some rest.
I had to deliver my speech the following day. I met the coordinator. We had a quick chat, and I headed for the buffet. I was starving!
There was a guy. He approached me, pushed my "passion" button, and I started talking and talking… and talking 😁.
The guy was listening and only interrupted me for a second to say, “You need to know that I’m the talker in general, that I can rarely listen to someone for more than a minute”. I had a blast!
Many were observing the scene and joined our table. The joiners asked me for my business card, to which I answered:
I don’t have any, and this is intentional. I am my card. If I succeed in building a rapport, you will not need it to remember me!"