We all believed this stupid and biased social lenses big lie, sadly enough! Truth is vulnerability takes a great character strength! People who cry publicly, who apologize quickly and sincerely, out of self-awareness not codependency, are the strongest among us!
It takes tons of inner security to expose oneself emotionally risking rejection, sometimes even being made fun of! That's why self-centered, grandiose, entitled antagonists can never apologize!
They know deep inside their soul is lost, are terrified of how fragile their ego is; thus, they created the false persona and inflict harm on others to hide their weakness and protect the sick ego at all expenses.
For vulnerable folks who have a crystal clear sense of self, who have been successful to clean the conditioning dust and recocnnect with the servant leader in them living by the universal principles daily, the perpetrators fear value is replaced by "bravery"!