This line hit home and made me cry... Many people who have an idea about my life different traumas tend to feel confused when witnessing the joyful, driven and at times silly person I am today and ask me:
"How can you keep your optimistic outlook and this weird inner piece and contagious joy of yours not only despite those chaotic times but also given all that you went through?"
"I am limitlessly grateful to the Universe for having thrown at me all the hardship when I was ready to handle it. I was humble enough to break my denial circle, listen to the call, and accept to unlearn and learn again. I was open enough to challenge my ingrained limiting beliefs I was taking for the absolute truth. I was brave and stayed with the pain long enough to transform. I was consistent enough to make re-writing my program and coming back to my principles center possible. I paid the price of unbecoming the filter! This is anything but a random result, and that's specifically why I care so much about elevating the global awareness, and that the common denominator to all what I'm saying is the invasive subconscious program!"