That's specifically why the subconscious program is in the nexus of my life and all the means I'm making use of to educate! Btw, I'm a psychological abuse survivor! I was the victim of a malignant narcissist--the most dangerous and cruel of all troubled and eternally tormented souls; some experts call this kind the "Sadistic Psychopath".
29 months ago, I was about to end my life. I was saved at the last moment by the grace of my pure love divinity through an out-of-body experience.
It was as if the servant leader in me dissociated to make me see all the lies of my unhealthy ego and realize this gigantic universe was not revolving around my small self.
Most importantly, and during this magic dissociation, I was able to visualize I was on this planet for a mission. That was the moment of my migration from being religious to spiritual.
The butterfly took time to emerge. The caterpillar had to heal the easiest scars and gain some strength to start the most rewarding investment of the whole existence: destroying all my limiting beliefs about myself — fixing my insecure attachment style — and the world where the subtle manipulation happens.
I rewired the invasive subconscious program I never wrote in the first place in alignment with the original center the creator granted us: the principles. And my gratitude to the universe for that trauma is beyond being describable. It was what I needed.
That's the level to which I take my GRATITUDE!
Thanks for this beautiful pieece!!!