Thank you, my dear friend, for stopping by! Here things have been chaotic, but I'm doing my very best... one of my babies (my first adopted daughter Mimi) has been missing and I'm trying to keep my heart open and remind myself that she's mad since we had to welcome an adandoned pregnant kittie in our tiny flat and she lost her room for almost a month now... As for your question, that's the whole point: we don't put our trust in someone; trust is not a gift; trust should be truly built through many kinds of deposits and never given! A seemingly trustworthy person needs to earn our trust. When there is a reserve, we can surely make withdrawals (to be read mistakes) without jeopardizing the relationship! Such a person who invested consistently in building our trust in them would not be the kind of person who betrays. Socially speaking and especially when we're a savior, we tend to gift our trust and fantasize about the potential instead of the reality of things! Fortunately, I learned my lesson the hard way!