Oh yesss! That’s how I fell for the malignant narcissist who almost killed me in Sep. 2018! They chase particular individuals according to NPD experts: unaware empaths & pleasers, rescuers, optimists, innocent folks believing every human being is inherently-good-- you got the point! I used to be all of this, unfortunately, and the “savior” pattern is still a work in progress.
The day that I will stop believing in potential and investing so much time and energy in people who never decided to help themselves and become antifragile through paying the price of their transformation (re-writing their f*cked up subconscious program) will mark the end of the process!
Here is a piece I wrote about discovering its existence, should you be interested:
“Discovered: Why I Was Suffering From My Savior Pattern” de Myriam Ben Salem https://link.medium.com/AH8h11tSwdb
The common denominator between those victims is the fragile emotional boundaries because of all the limiting beliefs ingrained in the program and lack of self-respect. Result? They tend to doubt their feeling and their gut.
One of the amazing outcomes of the real inner-work on the subconscious is the reconnection with the purest gut, given that the transformation destroys the life-time of conditioning filter and unleashes the principle-centered true self who knows (connected to the source).
As a result and when it comes to narcissists, we become able to feel their energy without even having to listen to them talk. We can see them from miles. We can even recognize them from their facial expression on photos or “subtle inconsistencies” in their speeches fueled by limiting beliefs about the world that narcissists and psychopaths (the smartest ones who do not display antisocial traits) have been successful generation after generation for thousands years in vehiculating to the global subconscious program!
It is possible because along with re-writing our chosen program in alignment with the “universal principles” original center (aka the source, conscience), our critical thinking skills have been awakened and developed to the highest levels (facial expressions).
Also, because the mind that analyses the external data is the subconscious one. That’s how even the most subtle of the limiting beliefs those manipulators are using to deceit and exploit are automatically detected without any effort.