Oh Boy! In the quality of an unapologetic truth teller, I'm in love with this masterpiece dear Pretheesh! So very well done my friend!
Indeed, there is a huge difference between a positive attitude-- the toxic positivity fueled by the positive affirmations promoted by the imposters-- and a positive mindset which is the outcome of facing the demons and killing them!
I tend to always make the difference between productivity and effectiveness:
While productivity is doing what we need to do the right way, effectiveness is doing THE RIGHT THING the right way!
If you think about it, the difference is actually huge! In the former scenario, we have no direction, no meaning, no drive! We have no clue about what we truly stand for! Result? We only answer people's emergencies so that to feel accepted and popular! Fulfillment will never be invited to the table!
In the latter scenario, we know exactly why we are doing what we are doing. It is a personal reflected and conscious PRIORITY which would help leave a PRINCIPLED legacy!