My dear friend Tracy, you remind me of one of my very first writing attempts; specifically an article I called "What do we mean by upgrading your conviction to match your destiny" (April, 2019). This is an extract in relation to your thoughtful question:
The trigger for writing this article and sharing my thoughts with you was an insightful quote I read yesterday.
“Don’t downgrade your dream just to fit your reality. Upgrade your conviction to match your destiny.”
- Stuart Scot
What I believe is that this has everything to do with growing as a person. It has to do with becoming self-aware. It has to do with being courageous enough to deal with the accompanying pain.
It has to do with becoming real and starting to live wholeheartedly as one of my favorite authors known as Brené Brown likes to call it. It has to do with centering your life on the Principles.
To give you a quick sample of what it means to be principle-centered versus any other biased Center, let’s suppose I have a kid who accidentally killed somebody when driving drunk.
Because my children are my Center, I would do all that it takes to protect my child. I would bribe a killer to take responsibility for the incident. If my Center was the Principles, then I would have been the one to accompany my child to the police station.
Your center is the basis for your love manifestation. If your center is your children, the love that manifests from that will mostly benefit your children. If your center is the ‘Principles’, the manifestation of your love will benefit the universe."