It seems to me that it doesn’t have to be the case, should the world, all systems included, not have been ruled by ego from thousands of years ago, in all likelihood.
Interestingly, there are some recent discoveries about our most miraculous genetic mutation that gave birth to what we call compassion, and which were shared by Gregg Braden who stipulated it took place approximately 200000 years ago.
Thus, I’d guess the cancer of the C.R.A.V.E.D individuals should be older than that! They continued vehiculating their poison to the universal subconscious program, conditioning and distorting the mutated intrinsically good folks, I suppose, making our world the imbalanced, selfish, crual, shallow, doing-oriented, consumer, pleasure-seeking one we know…
P. S. C.R.A.V.E.D is a brilliant acronym invented by one of my very favorite and genuine therapists going by the name of Dr. Ramani.
C for Conflict,
R for Rigid,
A for Antagonist (manipulation, exploitation, abuse),
V for Victim/Vindictive,
E for Entitled,
D for Dysregulated.