I’m so sorry for your loss, dear Stuart 🥺
My heart is, of course, bleeding for all the hurt caused by this pandemic. But, I have been crying way before this crisis. People were dying every day before COVID-19: from hunger, cold, giving birth, all kinds of diseases.
I’ve been crying about the cruel unfairness of the world: extreme poverty, homelessness, wars, and people escaping from their homeland to survive and find themselves in some refugee camps lacking the basics of human dignity.
I need to admit I’m enthusiastic about this COVID-19! Nobody deserves death or to suffer this way, but a global awakening comes at a price, unfortunately. Yes, it was way harsher than what we could have ever imagined, but the world is too imbalanced as well! It’s anyhow correlated!
I keep faith that as many people as possible will start pondering, reviewing their distorted beings making their lives and the world that imbalanced in the first place — the level of responsibility depends on the quality of the program of course.
The universe is sending a coded message. I keep faith kind souls will open their heart and listen to this message…