I will go even beyond people who are in our direct circle! Starting by re-writing our program in alignment with the principles--aka the source, the conscience, the spirit-- create a snowball effect and is a legacy itself! Here is an extract from such a beautiful and such provoking book by a guy I consider as a spirit mate:
"Kant understood that there is a fundamental link between our respect for ourselves and our respect for the world. The values that define our identity are the templates that we apply to our interactions with others, and little progress can be made with others until we've made progress within ourselves. When we persue a life full of pleasure and simple satisfaction, we are treating ourselves as a means to our pleasurable ends. Therefore, self-improvement is not a cultivation of greater happiness but, rather, a cultivation of greater self-respect. Telling ourselves that we are worthless and shitty is just as wrong as telling others that they are worthless and shitty. Lying to ourselves is just as unethical as lying to others. Harming ourselves is just as repugnant as harming others. Self-love and self-care are therefore not something you learn about or "practice". They are something you are ethically called to cultivate within yourself, even if they are all that you have left. The Formula of Humanity has a ripple effect: your improved ability to be honest with yourself will increase how honest you are with others, and your honesty with others will influence them to be more honest with themselves, which will help them to grow and mature. Your ability not to treat yourself as a means to some other end will in turn allow you to better treat others as end. Therfore, your cleaning up your relationship with yourself has the positive by-product of cleaning up your relationships with others, which then enables them to clean up their relationships with themselves, and so on. This is how you change the world-- not through some all-encompassing idelogoly or mass religious conversion or misplaced dreams of the future, but by achieving the maturation and dignity of each individual in the present, here and now." ~ Mark Manson | Everything is f*cked