I feel you my friend! But, sometimes we are left with no choice of taking time! Here is a very small example:
Let's suppose that I have a kid who accidently killed a person while driving drunk and with no licence. Hint: my DISTORTED center is "family", which replaced the original "universal principles" one.
Our Center is the foundation of our life-support factors: 1. Security, 2. Direction, 3. Judgement and 4. Power. (reformulation of Covey's work).
Because my kid is part of my Center, I will do anything to protect him even if I whole-heartedly love, look up to principled individuals, and that I know that bribing a killer for instance to take ownership for my kid's fault is wrong. My Center takes the lead over what is right and wrong.
If I took time upfront to re-write my f*cked up program and that I was principle-centered, no matter how much I love my kid, I would be the one taking him to the police station! Doing the right thing even at our expense!