How adorable of you to stop by, my cherished Melanie! It feels so good to see your name 3 times today! I'm beyond grateful for your generosity! 🤗
And that's so accurate for the time required to build trust! When it comes to losing it, that's where I have a problem. Here is why: If trust has been really built; in other words, if we have been making continuous deposits in the other person's emotional bank account, the trust reserve should be high enough to make a few withdrawals! That is it will be extremely hard to break the trust!
The trickiest part in my story that broke my heart was that I was consistently making the deposits and believing that my friend was noticing... That's why my inner-child was hurt that much!
I wrote something about trustworthiness and trust some time ago given that I believe it's the foundation of all healthy relationships, should you be interested:
Last but not least: sending love back in your direction!!!