From Self-Reflection To Self-Insight

It Is About Switching From a Why to a How-question!

Myriam Ben Salem🦋
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


Switching from a Why to a What question is a well-known trick to move from self-reflection to self-insight. It is an effective way to cultivate our self-awareness.

According to the organizational & researcher Tasha Eurich:

Why-questions can draw us to our limitations; What-questions help us see our potential. Why-questions stir up negative emotions; What-questions keep us curious. Why-questions trap us in our past; What-questions help us create a better future. In addition to helping us gain insight, asking what instead of why can be used to help us better understand and manage our emotions.

What I noticed is that each time I was asking myself a Why-question, I was giving my power and scripting myself in a victim mentality. I was giving control to my unhealthy ego full of anger, criticism, doubt, and fear.

The shift might never be fully reachable, automatically, since the why-question is the natural one — or it would, at least, need a considerable amount of time and practice.

We can diminish the gap between the why-question and the what-question, though. It is already an achievement!

Only by gradually destroying our limiting beliefs about ourselves & the world, owning our emotions, and learning to regulate them, would we be able to:

  • Experience the magic of the inner-peace,
  • Start developing our Emotional Intelligence, since we also become aware all human “beings” — Notice I said beings, not doings — are sharing the same core needs and insecurities, leading us to become compassionate towards others,
  • Acquire self-confidence and strength through knowing we were able to fight our “own” thoughts and bear with the accompanying pain,
  • Open our world to limitless opportunities for building healthy relationships and giving back to the world.

With love, Myriam



Myriam Ben Salem🦋
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

A fur Momma, animal lover & advocate, lifelong learner, storyteller, edutainer, and published author. I write personal stories and essays.