Flattery is one of the favorite manipulation games of narcissists! Flattery is shallow and 1 million percent self-serving! People who flatter you are looking for you to reciprocate the flattery or to follow their agenda “YOU OWE ME THIS!”. That’s why I can’t emphasize enough trusting one’s gut and re-writing one’s invasive subconscious program so that we can reconnect with the purest form of gut.
Result: no possiblity left to self-doubt which is nothing but the by-product of our denial coping mechanism and the harsh life-time of conditioning. It explains why many kind souls fall for evil ones and stay in an abusive relationship for decades.
When reconnecting with the purest gut, we can effortlessly make the difference between a flattery and a genuine compliment. We feel it in our heart despite all the brilliant manipulation! That’s simply priceless 💎🧚‍♀️🌞